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Understanding Accelerated Orthodontics



August 30, 2023

If you're looking for a way to straighten your teeth faster than traditional orthodontic treatment, accelerated orthodontics may be a great option for you. Accelerated orthodontics uses a variety of methods to increase the rate of tooth movement, which can significantly shorten your treatment time and reduce your discomfort.

What Is Accelerated Orthodontics?

Accelerated orthodontics is a type of orthodontic treatment that uses specialized techniques to increase the rate of tooth movement. This can be performed by using a number of different methods, including:

Surgical procedures: In some cases, accelerated orthodontics may involve a surgical procedure to increase the amount of space in the jaw for teeth to move. This is often done in conjunction with traditional braces or clear aligners.

Low-level lasers: Low-level lasers can be used to stimulate the bone around teeth, which can help to speed up tooth movement.

Electrical stimulation: Electrical stimulation can also be used to speed up tooth movement. This is achieved by applying a small electrical current to the teeth, which helps to break down the bone and make it easier for teeth to move.

Vibration therapy: Vibration therapy is another way to help speed up tooth movement. This works by applying vibrations to the teeth, which can help to break down the bone and make it easier for teeth to move.

How Does Accelerated Orthodontics Work?

At Rykiss Orthodontics, we use a small device called the VPro5 by Propel that is used to speed up braces or Invisalign treatment. It only has to be worn for about 5-10 minutes per day and helps the aligners to seat more effectively on the teeth. This makes tooth movement more predictable and brings about faster results.

The science of how vibration can be used to accelerate orthodontic treatment is constantly evolving. HFV or High-frequency Vibration works by stimulating bone remodeling via the periodontal ligaments. This also results in more rapid tooth movement and more predictable treatment outcomes.

Several clinical trials have, for example, shown that patients who use the VPro5, a device that delivers HFV, experience a significant reduction in treatment time. HFV can also be used to help with the retention phase of treatment, ensuring that your teeth stay in place after your braces or Invisalign are removed.

Benefits Of Accelerated Orthodontics

There are various benefits to accelerated orthodontics, including the following:

Reduced treatment time: Accelerated orthodontics can reduce the treatment time for orthodontic treatment by up to 50%. This is a major benefit for patients who are looking to get their braces off as soon as possible.

Less discomfort: Accelerated orthodontics will typically also reduce the amount of discomfort that patients experience during treatment. This is because the increased force that is applied to the teeth helps to break down the bone and therefore make it easier for teeth to move.

Better results: Accelerated orthodontics can also lead to better results than traditional orthodontic treatment. The reason for this is that the increased force that is applied to teeth helps to ensure that your teeth are more likely to move into the correct position.

Who Is a Good Candidate For Accelerated Orthodontics?

Accelerated orthodontics may be a good option for individuals who:

 · Are looking to shorten their treatment time

· Want to reduce the amount of discomfort they experience during treatment

· Are looking for great results

· Are in good general health

· Do not have any medical conditions that would make accelerated orthodontics inadvisable.

If you are considering accelerated orthodontics, it is important to talk to your orthodontist to see if it is a good option for you. He or she will be able to assess your individual needs and goals and recommend the best treatment plan for you.


Nobody likes walking around with crooked teeth, upper and lower teeth that don't fit together properly, gaps between teeth, or similar problems. As you have seen above, accelerated orthodontics offers numerous benefits compared to traditional treatment methods. These can, for example, include shorter treatment times, less discomfort, and better results.

If you are considering accelerated orthodontics, it is important to first do your research. Start by reaching out to your friendly orthodontic team to make sure accelerated orthodontics is an option for you.


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